In 4 short years, President Trump Created:
-- Economy caused each American Family to gain $6,000 via wealth creation
-- Made America Energy Independent, Gas at $2/gallon, Inflation at 1.4%
-- The best immigration policy in US History with Wall and Stay in Mexico policy
-- More fair and effective trade policies than any President before him
-- Made Multiple Middle East/Israel peace deals
-- Kept China and Russia in check who never considered attacking another country
-- Destroyed ISIS, Ended one war, Wound down Afghanistan war and did NOT get involved in any new wars
-- The world was at peace and the United States was highly respected. Made NATO Countries start paying their fair share
-- Rebuilt the world's most powerful military
-- Handled the pandemic only fair. This was a difficult situation, but Trump made mistakes by listening to the wrong people and pushing unsafe vaccines. His one low mark.
-- Inflation tame, Excellent Tax Policy, Low Unemployment, Americans gained $6,000/family. Economy was exceptional except for when China Covid Virus hit which was not Trump's fault.
The Untold Story of Phyllis J. Hall: The Nurse Who Witnessed JFK's Fatal Night
The Secret Language of Cats: Understanding Affection Through Their Eyes
The Politically Correct Manifesto